If you are new to church you may be wondering what it will be like.
Please come as you are, there's no need to dress up although some people do.
Someone will be at the door of the church and show you where to go and tell you anything you want to know.
You can sit wherever you like, there are no reserved seats unless it's a special occasion and even then, there are plenty of seats for everyone.
We are a friendly community and someone will probably say hello to you but you don't need to make conversation if you don't want to.
The service is usually led by our minister Mark, assisted by our song group and other members of the church.
We love to sing and you are welcome to share in the songs. The words are displayed on a screen at the front. It can seem a little strange at first, especially if you don't know the tune so may want to listen or simply hum at first.
We take an offering during the service which is collected by the stewards but please let the bag pass you by if you are a visitor. We're simply glad you are here.
We share our news at moment in the service when a microphone is passed around and people are invited to share good news and sad news and requests for prayer.
Prayers are usually led from the front and while you may want to share these in your heart all you need do is listen to them. Sometimes there are prayers people say together which appear on the screen including a prayer we call the 'Lord's prayer'.
You can share in saying these if you want to.
There is usually a message which is inspired by some words from the bible that are read during the service. The message often goes hand in hand with a power point presentation and you are welcome to listen to this. We hope it will explain some dimension of following Jesus and that it will inspire and encourage you.
Once a month we share a simple meal together when bread and non-alcoholic wine are shared ,because this was a meal Jesus shared with his friends.
All who are seeking to serve and follow Jesus are welcome to share in these things when they are passed around but you don't need to take them if you don't want to and no one will mind.
The service begins at 10.30 and lasts for about an hour a quarter. Afterwards Mark or whoever is speaking will go to the door and you are welcome to speak to him or whoever was speaking.
We seek to welcome and include everyone and when you come we hope you will see many different kinds of people, some who were born and bred in Huddersfield and some who have come recently, people who are black and white, people of different ages and generations, many who are fluent in English and some who are learning, some with disabilities, some who are single, some who come on their own and some with their families.
If you have any special needs while you are visiting us, please let us know and we will do our best to be quietly helpful.
On the first and third Sundays of the month there are children and young people's groups that meet during the service. Everyone starts together and after about twenty minutes or so the children and young people go to groups where age appropriate activities and teaching happen. We take real pride in our children and young people and are really glad they share in our life and worship, contributing through reading, drama, music and through being themselves.
You are welcome here!
Mark Janes, 29/03/2020