New North Road Baptist church has a history over the years of welcoming people from many different countries and cultures and we have been enriched greatly by this. Through this aspect of our life we are seeking to follow the teaching of Jesus to “welcome the stranger.
Since 2001 we have held a drop-in on Tuesday mornings from 10.30 till 12.30. which is called ‘Reach’, for asylum seekers and refugees. This is open to all, from any faith or none. Here we offer friendship over a cup of tea or coffee, English classes, hot food, occasional celebrations and signposting to advice agencies.
A number of our friends also join us on Sundays for Christian worship. We hold weekly Bible studies which are currently translated into Farsi. In these and another ways, we seek to support our friends who have come from all kinds of tough situations and face uncertainties.
We also work with other agencies across Huddersfield to address some of the special situations asylum seekers face.
We trust that the welcome that we give really helps our friends to settle into a strange new land. It is a joy to see people grow and flourish as they become part of a supportive community.
So if you are an asylum seeker or refugee you’re very welcome to join with us!