welcome school visits; we do not charge and are glad to work in partnership with schools
so that the visit is appropriate to the age and curriculum of the children or young people.
We have been recognised as a venue that enriches understanding and tolerance of different
beliefs through the Schools welcome initiative in Leeds, Kirklees and Calderdale and have
received their quality mark.
We can offer visits that are themed around what you would find in a church, about initiation
ceremonies, notably baptism and the way festivals such as Easter and Christmas are
celebrated. We seek to do this in a way that speaks about the way we do this while affirming
and explaining some of the diversity in Christian practice. A visit to the parish church would
be a good and helpful contrast and point of comparison.
The church is a Baptist Church so we have an open baptistry (pool) where people are
dipped, a communion (holy) table, stained glass windows, banners, an organ, and plenty of
seating. According to the day and time of the visit, space for children to eat picnics may be
available and we can serve juice or water when that is appropriate.
We are glad to welcome schools and if you would like to discuss a visit by your school to our
church please contact our minister, Rev Mark Janes by email –